Vintage Blues Guitars
Tom Wentzel and Bruce Roth
Lancaster, PA
4:53 AM
phone calls accepted 8 a.m. through 8 p.m. eastern time .. text or email anytime

Cash, checks, PayPal, money orders or bank wire. We don't accept credit cards at this point.

We ship usually within a day of payment. International customers, we are not CITES certified. Any guitar with CITES-protected materials (Brazilian rosewood, ivory et al) shipped outside the US will be shipped at the risk of the buyer.

Forty-eight hour test drive on all instruments..if not to your liking, return for refund minus shipping costs.

Found 22 matches

~1938 Gibson EH150

Gibson EH150 c 1938 | $1475 | (v2429) The mid-thirties catalog claims: "Another guitar miracle by Gibson - a true undistorted tone amplified by electricity." All hyperbole aside, that so-called 'Charlie Christian' pickup does sound really good! Charlie Christian was, of course, a great jazz guitar innovator who played a '30s Gibson archtop with the newly minted electric 'bar' pickup, and...
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~1963 Kay Auditorium 6116

Kay 'Jumbo' 6116 c 1963 | | (v2428) Kay's "Gleaming Super Auditorium Model K6116" appeared in its catalogs from 1957-1965. Priced at $54.95 it was near the top of the acoustic lineup. In addition to the hyberbolic 'gleaming...' attribution, we find that the guitar is also promoted with a "THIN-LITE neck with adjustable truss rod". Overall, it's a big-bodied guitar made with decent...
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~1930 Oscar Schmidt Galiano

Oscar Schmidt Galiano Mandolin c 1930 | $350 | (v2426) During its run of about fourty years, the Oscar Schmidt factory in Jersey City, NJ, produced scads and scads of instruments labeled with myriad brand names.. guitars, banjos, and mandolins, too. This particular mandolin is labeled Galiano, which was a pretty common Schmidt label, probably second only to Stella. The instrument displays...
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~1930 Oscar Schmidt Stella Jumbo

Oscar Schmidt Stella Jumbo 6-String c 1930 | $2795 | (vc2401) A rare example of an OS 'Decalcomania' 6-string 'jumbo' guitar. The Schmidt factory produced their 'Decalcomania' guitars from the early 1900s through the mid-thirties when the factory was sold. The decalcomania technique was developed in the 18th century and involved transferring a print (decal) onto a surface. Although fancy...
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~1932 Oscar Schmidt Stella

Oscar Schmidt Stella Floral c 1932 | $1475 | (v2423) A nice example of a top-of-the-line OS 'Decalcomania' guitar. The Schmidt factory produced their 'Decalcomania' guitars from the early 1900s through the mid-thirties when the factory was sold. The decalcomania technique was developed in the 18th century and involved transferring a print (decal) onto a surface. Although fancy looking,...
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1965 Gibson B45-12

Gibson B-45 12-String 1965 | $2125 | (v2412) In the early 1960s Gibson joined in on the 'folk music' trend that had enthralled many teen baby-boomers by adding 12-string guitars into their line up. The B-45-12 model was based on the J-45 acoustic 6-string shape and was first offered in 1961; the model had a run of over 15 years. This example dates to 1965 and features the more desirable...
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1967 Martin D-18

C.F. Martin D-18 1967 | $3650 | (v2415) The Dreadnaught D-18 has been a popular and well-known workhorse guitar for many decades. They're well made, sound great and can hold their own in a small combo. This example from 1967 is essentially at the end-of-the line when it comes to features desired by most Dread players. This is the last year for the small, maple bridge plate. At this...
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~1920 Martin Style 2

Martin Style 2 Ukulele c 1920 | $1150 | (v2420) Hawaiian music in the continental US began its popularity in the early part of the twentieth century due to touring Hawaiian musicians and the emergence of published Hawaiian music and the manufacture of the instruments on which to play it. By the late teens, Martin was offering ukuleles and they became so popular that Martin enlarged its...
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~1923 Martin K2

Martin Style 2K Ukulele c 1923 | $1695 | (v2421) Hawaiian music began its popularity in the early part of the twentieth century due to touring Hawaiian musicians and the emergence of published Hawaiian music and the manufacture of the instruments on which to play it. By the late teens, Martin was offering ukuleles and they became so popular that Martin enlarged its factory to accomodate the...
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1967 Gibson B25-12

Gibson B25-12 1967 | $1295 | (v2418) A nice clean and original example of a Gibson 12-string aimed at the youth folk movement of the mid-sixties. The little brother of the B45-12, the B25 line was essentially the next iteration of the LG2 series which had been phased out. The same quality Gibson workmanship and materials make the B25-12's an affordable entry into the 12-string...
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1941 Gibson J-35

Gibson J-35 'Cherryburst' 1941 | $12,250 | (v2416) In the mid-thirties, the J-35 was Gibsons answer to the Martin D-18 ... a big-bodied, slope-shouldered Dreadnaught aimed at the professional or semi-professional guitar player who performed in a small combo or band and required the power that this guitar could deliver. A cursory glance at this example from 1941 and you know that it has...
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~1933 Kay Kraft Style B

Kay Kraft Style B 'Venetian' c 1933 | $1650 | (v2414) The Kay Kraft instruments were produced by Kay Musical Instruments in Chicago, formally Stromberg-Voisinet. The 'Venetian' style instruments are attributed to Joseph Zorzi (a Kay luthier with Italian heritage who also developed the bolt-on neck seen here) which were offered for sale by the late 1920s and produced in three styles, A...
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1920 Vega Fairbanks Tubaphone Guitar Banjo

Vega AC Fairbanks Tu-ba-phone Guitar Banjo 1920 | $1950 | (v2413) The A.C. Fairbanks Company began producing high quality banjos in 1875. In 1903 it morphed into the Vega Company in Boston which continued to market instruments bearing both the Vega and Fairbanks names. By 1909, Vega had developed the Tu-ba-phone tone ring, a brass ring with holes drilled on its interior. Many enthusiasts...
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~1938 Dobro Model 27

Dobro Model 27 c 1938 | $1975 | (v2335) In 1928 John and Rudy Dopyera left their brothers and the National Company in California to form the Dobro Corporation. These two patented and marketed a 'spider' type resonator setup, different from that of a National. By 1932 Dobro sales were booming and the brothers licensed Regal in Chicago to begin manufacturing the wood bodies for their...
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~1960 Martin Style 0

Martin began making ukuleles in the 1920s and continued through the 1960s, always constructed with the finest materials and workmanship. This example appears to be from about 1960 based on the original case, tuners and the manufacturer's stamp inside the sound hole. Martin began to use "Made in USA" on the stamp in 1961 and information gleaned from the Kluson website claims that they began to...
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~1928 Oscar Schmidt First Hawaiian Conservatory

Oscar Schmidt First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music Guitar c 1928 | $1200 | (v2403) As we reported in a number of previous listings for these guitars, the First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music was a mail order study course with a mailing address in the Woolworth Building on Broadway, NYC. The Schmidt-owned business advertised heavily in periodicals of the day such as Popular Mechanics, with...
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~1928 Regal Style 2019

Regal Style 2019 Guitar c 1928 | $775 | (v2404) Regal, with factories in Chicago, was one of the largest guitar manufacturers in America through the first half of the twentieth century. Probalby produced by the millions, not many have survived with the Regal label. A good number have surfaced with proprietary labels, but it's very likely that most Regal factory production was sold without...
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~1900 Haynes Bay State

Haynes Bay State Style ‘D’ Parlor Guitar c 1900 | $975 | (v2341) Bay State and student-grade HUB guitars were a subset of the John C. Haynes company, with a guitar factory in Boston, MA. The names derive from this locale; Bay State from the nickname of the state (MA), and HUB from the nickname of the city (Hub). Haynes began to produce guitars just post-Civil War, but didn’t introduce...
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1937 National Triolian

National Triolian 1937 | $6500 | (v2350) Note that this is the second Deco-themed Triolian we've listed in the past few months, not the same guitar! National's Triolian line was just about ten years old, and a big seller for the company when this rare beauty came off the line in Los Angeles. The Triolian had gone through a number of iterations since its beginning including wood bodies,...
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~1910 Harwood Parlor

Harwood Standard Size 1 3/4 c 1910 | $2750 | (v2336) Harwood instruments were manufactured and marketed by the J.W. Jenkens Sons Music Company in Kansas City, MO. The Harwood name comes from the town in Illinois where the Jenkins family lived before moving to Kansas City. The company began in the late ninteenth century and continued through the first quarter of the twentieth century. The...
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1935 Oscar Schmidt UAC 'Stella'

Oscar Schmidt UAC Hawaiian c 1935 | $675 | (v2314) The Hawaiian music craze in America had wide-ranging ripple effects in the first part of the 20th century, and this Schmidt-made guitar is a direct result of that craze. Schmidt, among others, marketed guitars made from koa, often with Hawaiian themed labels, created the First Hawaiian Conservatory of Music to sell Hawaiian music and...
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~1937 Oscar Schmidt Decalcomania

Oscar Schmidt 'Decalcomania' c 1937 | $750 | (v2235) The decade following the productive 1920s was tough for the Oscar Schmidt company. Oscar himself had died in '29, and then the depression came along. By the mid-thirties the company had sold off most of its factories but for the Ferry St. factory in Jersey City, with records showing that a new owner had taken control. Sometime between...
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