We picked up a collection of 70's Gibsons and Fenders, and this was the cleanest one in the bunch, and maybe the cleanest and unboogered one we have had in years. No fret wear, 1.69 nut width, 10 pounds 2 ounces, and appears 100% stock. There are shirt button/belt worm tracks on the back, they don't go through the finish and I could not get them to pop out, so not mint, but a solid 8.5 out of 10 I would say. Some little dings and scuffs here and there, but just to look at it, pretty nice. A very clean 1st Gen Protector case is included, the one we got with the guitar. I will say, if you want a mint unplayed one, this isn't you. If you want a pretty clean unmolested late 1970's Les Paul Standard they don't pop up this nice anymore. Thanks for looking!
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Coleman Music
704 857 5705
1021 S Main St
China Grove NC 28023
Most major credit cards, paypal, or wire transfer
We generally ship UPS insured, but will use whatever carrier you prefer. We close Mondays, so orders placed Friday may not go out til Tuesday, though we are usually at the shop Monday making it happen. All orders are fully insured